A Lesson in a Dull Chapter
A Lesson in a Dull Chapter Posted on August 16, 2019 by pastortravislv In Nehemiah 3, we have recorded for us a list of those who began work on repairing the…
A Key To Fearing God
Christians, if we have been biblically taught, we know that we are supposed to be God-fearers. But we do struggle to know what that looks like. I…
A Deadly Pragmatism
What is better, to do what is right or to do what works? Do the ends justify the means? Can we compromise formal righteousness for a result…
God Outlasts Creation
The world can be awfully depressing. Political discussions are discouraging. The character of the nation seems to be diving off a cliff. Rotten people try to do…
Hope or Vanity
Is it worth it to follow God? That was the question that I asked in a message on Malachi 3:13-4:3. You see, at the end of Malachi…
Not That Complicated
Sometimes we see in Scripture truth that is just not that complicated. The gospel is not complicated, though many times we seem to make it so. How…
Protection, Resented, and Praised
Song of Solomon is one of those books either we simply ignore or we somehow over-interpret. If you go through a study of the book, which is…
Revisiting the Fear of God
Exodus 1:21 – And because the midwives feared God… Peeking at a commentary on Exodus 1, I ran across a brief description of the topic of fearing…
Sunday, Singing, and Living Differently
Sunday, Singing, and Living Differently Christians are to be different. Do any of us really think otherwise? Our lives are to be marked by morals, beliefs, ceremonies, and…
They Need Scripture, Not Miraculous Evidence
When we have friends, neighbors, or family members we want to see saved, we may find ourselves wishing for a supernatural occurrence to help them to believe.…